Cranberry Cloud Updates
What is Smishing?
The term smishing is coined from a combination of SMS (Short Messaging Service) aka text messaging, and phishing. Smishing is the fraudulent practice of sending text messages purporting to be from reputable businesses and organisations in order to trick individuals to reveal sensitive information.
Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence
The benefits of integrating cybersecurity and AI are numerous. But like many developments in technology, there exists a dark side to the development of Artificial Intelligence.
Choosing A Managed IT Service Provider
For small and medium-sized businesses in the financial sector, creating an IT team with an extensive skill set that covers everything from cybersecurity to compliance, etc. can be expensive and time-consuming. It is therefore not unusual for these businesses to outsource IT services to managed IT service providers.

ISO 27001:2022 vs. 2013 – What Are The Main Changes?
In October 2022, a new and improved version of the ISO 27001 was published to address the evolving cybersecurity challenges and improve digital trust.

Responding To A Data Breach
The consequences of having data compromised can extend beyond financials. They may cost a business its reputation and could possibly result in legal proceeding. And no organisation is immune, with large businesses such as Uber and Equifax having also suffered data breaches over the years.

Cybersecurity: Balancing the Risk and Reward
Cybersecurity is expensive, but when compared to the cost of a cyber breach, it certainly pales in comparison. According to the 2022 IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report, the finance industry had the second highest cost per breach, averaging $5.97 million per breach.

Understanding the Importance of Multiple Backups
As highlighted in our article on the Uber hack, cyberattacks are on the rise. Unfortunately, even when the best practices are followed, no one can guarantee complete protection. Businesses must take additional steps, particularly ensuring that important files are backed up to prevent data loss in the event of a breach.
Fostering Collaboration and Communication with SharePoint
SharePoint is a collaboration and communication platform developed by Microsoft. It can be used to build an organisation’s intranet and is the basis for effective file-based collaboration.